It is a multifunctional, innovative equipment which enhances the skills and knowledge of the professional therapist in the treatment of dysfunctional spine pathologies.
The Dynamic Beam significantly activates the sensorial system of balance and consequently helps stability with the activation of the deep spinal muscles, with a core-focused working method.
It also provides a distinct muscle involvement highly more functional than the traditional one.
The Dynamic Beam, focusing on the biomechanics and physiology of the spine, enables it in participate actively in the rearrangement of the postural tonic system.
As a result of its unbalancing action, spinal proprioception is stimulated differently and more effectively from when carrying out an exercise in a static or standing position.
Mechanism of action
Perturbations of balance result in the displacement of the center of mass body relative to the base of support by stimulating the proprioceptors and exteroceptors of the spinal district, which transmit information to the postural tonic system concerning:
The continuous instability of the balance determines the displacement of body mass from the supporting base, stimulating the spinal proprioceptors and exteroceptors, which transmit to the postural tonic system information regarding:
A- The position of each vertebra.
B- The change in tension of each muscle and ligament in relation to balance.
C- Kinesthetic proprioception
D- balance.
The tonic postural system processes this information and programs an immediate sensorial and motorial response throughout the spinal vestibule system, resulting in:
. improvement of the postural tonic system,
. strengthening of the deep and superficial muscles of the spine
. rebalancing of muscle ligament tensions
. improvement of the mobilization and sensitivity of the spine,
. improvement of deep proprioceptive reflexes and therefore an improved posture
The aim is to stimulate the spinal structures in supine position without stress from compression and canceling the postural compensations. Any disequilibrium of muscle tensions immediately provokes the adjustment of a new balance, causing the reworking of the body scheme.
The unusual activation of the proprioceptive system implies a reflex response of the deep paravertebral musculature in an attempt to find a new one equilibrium.
Our goal, through the instability of the Dynamic Beam and the position in supine decubitus of the patient, is to create a turbulence, a new form of instability which cancels the postural compensation memorized by the patient and facilitate the creation of a new stable, effective order and self-adaptive situation.
Fields of application
Scoliosis - Hyperkyphosis
The Lyons School has always carried out innovative techniques in rehabilitation treatment of scoliosis and placed the Dynamic Beam as 13th chapter of the Lyon method
Back pain Low back pain
Scientific evidence highlights how a correct load distribution a spinal level leads to a notable facilitation of posture maintenance, as well as the decrease or disappearance of spinal pain (Control theory a gate Patrich Wall and Ronald Melzac).
Innovative mechanism: Acquisition System
The acquisition system provides a numerical indication of the load distribution applied to the back during the performance of motorial tasks.
The aim is to achieve, thanks to the motor tasks of exercises, one pressure points the sensor by sensor more and more constant with average values in decrease. The occurrence of this allows us to state that the use of Dynamic Beam increases the subject ‘stability to balance, increases the effectiveness of the synaptic circuits responsible of spinal reflexes, furthermore, by means of sensors, gods are obtained graphs through which it is possible to view the pressure values and do considerations regarding the pressure detected.
The concept of balance is made possible thanks to continuous micro postural adjustments that are achievable through the spinal synapses in closed loop.
Edited by: Gioacchino Ferracane, PT & Pierfranco Lentini, PT.
Dr. J. Claude de Mauroy MD, Clinique du Parc . Lyon
Dr. Matteo Pennisi MD, Messina.
Miss Cecilia Pipitone PT, Centro Lionese - Palermo
Ing. Claudio Cagninelli, Politecnico Milano
Ing. Giuliana Lentini, Politecnico Milano
PAME srl.s Via Lulli,4 90100 Palermo
Part.IVA 06470900827
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